Sunday, December 3, 2023

President's Message - December 2023

Hello Fellow GRS Members and Friends,

Here we are at our last month for 2023. I sure hope your year has been a good one full of fun and success in your rose growing hobby. Remember, if you are new at this and you need help of any kind, let one of our society’s five consulting rosarians know. We will be glad to get the information, support or help you need.

Our end of the year Holiday Party will be great fun. Please come if you can. To participate in the Chinese Gift exchange, bring a wrapped gift of about $15.00 or less, then you are in for the group fun. See the list of food folks have already signed up to bring further in the newsletter. If for some reason you are not able to bring food, please come anyway. All members and guests are welcome.

The Deep South District’s Mid-Winter Meeting is just around the corner. January 13-15 is the dates. This event is always such great fun and if you have never been to one, I’d encourage you to register and come. Meeting and having fun with rose growers from other areas is one of the best parts of the weekend. Workshops, programs, and vendors will be included along with Saturday evening entertainment.

I have found the Mid-Winter Meeting to be the best time for me to purchase all my supplies for next year, including chemicals, fertilizers, tools, and of course new roses. I’d encourage you to register, come and enjoy this weekend. December is pretty much the only month I take it easy as far as rose care goes. A lot of my planning is done during December and come January I am ready to get going on these plans.

See you at the party on the 10th.

Ralph Stream, Master Rosarian, President 

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Site last updated January 8, 2025