Tuesday, October 10, 2023

President's Message - October 2023

Hello Fellow GRS Members and Friends,

First of all, I want to remind everyone that we are no longer meeting at the 1st Christian Church. They have restructured the church and now have a new name on the sign. I have returned their building key, so we no longer have access there. I apologize for some not getting the word last month.

The Tower Road Public Library near Rt. I75 on Tower Road is now our new meeting place (excluding Oct. and Nov). I think you will find this new location a nice change for us since it has easy access with a beautiful clean meeting room. We will need to keep our noise level low since the building is open to the public.

We will not have a regular meeting in October since we will be spending a lot of time with our convention and rose show. It will take all of us to work together Friday and Saturday to make the show a special one.

I plan to come to the hotel on Friday at 1 pm with all the supplies, awards, and things we have at our home. I have asked a few people to be there at 1 to help unload and go to the storage for the rest of our supplies. Other helpers need to come at 3:30 pm to start working with the show room set up. The show room will not be available until 3:00 pm so we will not be able to start any earlier. The Cross Creek Room will not be available until 6 pm. We will only need a few people to help get these supplies in the Cross Creek room and set up for the exhibitors. Exhibitors can fill their own bottles on Saturday morning. 

Show tear-down is scheduled for 4:00 pm on Saturday. The convention Raffle will take place at 4:00 pm so we will need to give those of us time to attend the raffle first. The show supplies will need to be packed back in boxes and left in the Cross Creek Room. I will get a few people to help me get them back to the storage shed Sunday morning.

I hope a good many of you have or will register and come for the full weekend. You will need to register to exhibit and attend any of the programs. If you are coming to help with the show and have not registered, you can visit and purchase items from our vendors. We need all members to help even if you do not register. Most of you have spoke with Jean or me about various duties you will help with during the show prep (6:00 am – 10:00 am), as well as during the judging (10:30am – 1:00 pm). Thanks to each of you who have volunteered in any way. We have done many shows together and most of you know what needs to be done. This one will not be much different.

In moving forward to November, our plans for a fun day in Melrose is now the order. Kathi Warren has graciously offered to have us come and enjoy her new garden and property in Melrose. Her address is 321 Wynnwood Avenue, Melrose, FL 32666. It is right in town near the library, so it will be easy to find. Please plan to bring a lawn chair. We will work on details for snacks. If you would like to volunteer, give Mary a call. Upon checking The Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens in Williston, we found it is not handicap accessible and there is a $12:00 plus tax entrance fee. In light of these issues, we felt it best to make other plans for the November meeting. Please put 11-12 at 2:00 pm on your calendar for our next meeting in Melrose. We will have a quick meeting to plan our holiday party and to review the rose show and convention.

Please check out Wayne’s October in the Rose Garden. October is a good time to be in our gardens, enjoying the blooms and maybe even preparing new rose beds.

I am sad to report that our Vendor’s Jim Mills (K&M Nursery) and Jim Young (Jim’s Purely Organic) will not be coming to our convention. The committee is in the process of trying to line up another supplier for Hybrid Teas and Miniatures. Art and Cyd (Rose Petals Nursery) will be there for your Old Garden Roses purchases. There is a slight chance we find another vendor to sell the Hybrids. Hopefully Jim Mills and Jim Young will be attending our Mid-Winter-Meeting in January, 2024.

Enjoy your October in your garden. 

Ralph Stream, Master Rosarian, President 

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Site last updated February 2, 2025