Thursday, June 8, 2023

President's Message - June 2023

Hello Fellow GRS Members and Friends,

Can we believe that it is summer? The temperatures these past few weeks have been feeling like fall. The weather this 2023 has been absolutely crazy, 95 degrees in February and now low to mid 80’s in June. Our roses will love it if the temps stay mild. My biggest problem the past few years has been chili thrips. They will eat certain rose varieties to the ground if left uncontrolled. At our spring picnic last year, damages were very evident, our plants were stunted in growth by nearly 50% from our usual May growth. At the first sign of leaf damage, curling and burnt leaf edges, please contact one of our CR’s for advice.

In spite of nearly 40% of our members not returning after covid, we have survived as a club, making the best we can with so few of us. We need to keep our eyes on the prize to stay a viable rose society. Our local and district activities and commitments are what I’m relating to. Your participation is vital. 

The same few workers will get the job done, but it will be difficult and will not be ‘teamwork’, the key to keeping a society strong. Let’s all jump in where we are able; I’m sure you will gain far more than you give.

This coming DSD Fall Convention will be a first where there is no host society sponsoring the event. Several rose societies will be in charge of various responsibilities. Gainesville Rose Society is in charge of the Rose Show on Saturday, October 14, 2023. We will need your help. I will be sending out a list of job we will need to have volunteers for.

I would encourage each of you to register and enjoy the whole weekend’s fun events and programs. However, if you are unable to do that, any GRS member helping with the show will have access to the vendors and the Saturday afternoon programs. Our responsibility for the Show does not end until the show is over and all our supplies are packed and taken back to our storage. This is a first time offer for a DSD event, so help us out and take advantage of the offer.

On a sad note, we all will miss our two dear friends and long-standing members who passed away recently. Both Mary Maud Sharpe and Helen Hardee will be missed so much. We remember all the delicious home-made peach ice cream and cookies Mary Maud would bring to our picnics. We also remember Helen always bringing to our meetings some special item for our raffle baskets. She never forgot. Both of these dear ladies would bring their gentle words and their lovely smile. Our hearts are sad but we are glad to have had the joy of knowing and being part of their lives for many years. Both ladies were able to grow, show and enjoy wonderful roses in their home gardens. Don’t forget our Ice Cream Social this Sunday. No business, just fun and treats to eat! Hope to see you all there.

Ralph Stream, Master Rosarian, President 

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Site last updated October 7, 2024