Tuesday, May 30, 2023

President's Message - May 2023

Hello Fellow GRS Members and Friends,

As I am writing this message, we are driving back from the ARS Spring National Convention and Rose Show. The show was not as large as some due to the location and time of the year. This one was hosted at the ARS Headquarters and Gardens. Jean and I were able to participate with a few flowers, but nothing of queen quality.

The convention had 283 attendees, including 12 Florida folks and a total of 16 from the DSD. Pretty good showing for the DSD. The weather was good so many of the programs and meals were held outside in a very large tent. Highlight of the convention was our tour and Cajun Style dinner at Marilyn Wellan’s home in Alexandra, LA. Marilyn is a Past President of the ARS. She and her family were such gracious hosts. Can you imagine inviting 200 people to your home for dinner?

The ARS Gardens looked pretty nice considering the damage from the January freeze, 11 degrees for a period; causing them to lose 150 plants, mainly the smaller roses, including the minis.

As we get into the summer months, we need to stay vigilant to the needs of our roses; number “1” on the list is watering. Don’t make the mistake in thinking rain is all they need. If it rains less than 2” per week, hand watering is advised. Pots dry out much quicker so be kind to them.

For other problems, as leaf and bloom issues, feeding schedules, take advantage of the CR’s. They will be happy to help you keep on target this summer.

The GRS Roses for Everyone event on the 29th of April at the Tower Road Library was a great event. Jean Giesel and her planners did a wonderful job with all the details. I was handled the info table and kept count of the visitors. We had 53 come in and enjoy participating.

The good news is we had some new folks sign up for membership. One couple signed up for the free 6-month free membership and two people paid for family memberships. One couple lives in Ocala and will be dual members of Marion County and Gainesville. The other couple lives in Newberry so we should see them at our Gainesville meetings. This event proved to be a way to get GRS visibility. Thank you, Jean, for your vision and great planning with your team; it could not have gone smoother. Thank you to those who came and participated in the event. Thirteen GRS members was our count. It was a fun day. Let us put on our thinking caps and see if we can come up with more of these activities in the future.

Y’all come now!

Ralph Stream, Master Rosarian, President 

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Site last updated October 7, 2024