Friday, March 3, 2023

President's Message - March 2023

Hello Fellow GRS Members and Friends,

Can you believe it is still winter with temperatures near 90. For the past month our roses have already gone thru their first early flush of blooms. As we were pruning for spring, we have had several large vases of cut blooms for the house, first time this has ever happened. Seeing this, there is no doubt of global warming. Last summer was the hottest we have recorded while we have lived in Florida the past 30 years.

Our GRS program for March is “How to Care for Our Roses”. We will cover every aspect from planting to winter protection, and every other duty in between. Following the advice of our experts will help ensure them to thrive throughout the year. Please be sure to come and support the presenters and learn some great tips.

As we move through summer, it will be important to keep our roses healthy so we will have beautiful blooms for our Fall show, both showing the actual blooms and pictures. To help you stay on track, our consulting rosarians are always ready to give advice and answer questions you may have. It is so great to welcome our two newest CR’s, Art Wade and Kathy Porter. Don’t hesitate to contact any of our knowledgeable CR’s. With the addition of these two we have expertise in growing roses from Jacksonville-St. Augustine, Alachua County, Marion County and Sumter County.

Feel free to bring your rose growing questions on the 12th. We will be meeting at the 1st Christian Church in Gainesville.

Don’t forget to bring door prize items if you can round up some!

I hope to see you there at the March meeting.

Ralph Stream, Master Rosarian, President 

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Site last updated October 7, 2024