Monday, September 5, 2022

President's Message - September 2022

Fall is right around the corner, and I for one am ready for cooler weather. I can’t ever recall such a hot spring and summer. Our roses defiantly are showing the results from heat stress, even though we have been watering them every other day, potted plants get watered every day except when we get an inch or more of rain. We have even lost a couple own rooted roses; the grafted ones are not so affected it seems.

As we restart our GRS meetings in September, we ask that you resume your attendance for supporting the activities and programs that the GRS board members have worked to bring for us in the coming months. We sure need participants in the society if we are to continue to operate, give programs and have our annual rose show.

Speaking of rose show, we have an excellent opportunity with the show to get GRS known to the community. We are hoping to have an updated Facebook page in the works soon. We will be offering the new members, a potted rose the worlds most beloved flower. For first time rose show exhibitors, we will be offering a full year free membership to GRS. most beloved flower. For first time rose show exhibitors, we will be offering a full year free membership to GRS. This could be a win-win proposition, and cost us nothing as well. Getting new blood is very essential if we are to stay an active society. Moving forward from the effects and negative aspects of Covid is our challenge now.

So, if you know of anyone interested in gardening tell them what we are offering. It costs them only their time to come and check out the experience of growing roses. In the coming fall, winter, and spring months the meeting programs are very diverse and informative, plus fun for all. Our GRS website and the reformatted face book page will have all the meeting dates and programs listed. I will also see that this info will be in our GRS monthly newsletters.

I hope to see a lot of you in attendance at the September 11th meeting, we will first and foremost get our November 5th, rose show planning underway. Let’s get excited in regards to our hobby. This year may be the make-orbreak year to decide if GRS can continue to have programs and event supported by its members, I sure hope for better participation from us all, see you soon.

Ralph Stream, President

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Site last updated June 28, 2024