First, a big “Thank you” to Dr. Joe Rush for a delightful March afternoon learning about his rather unorthodox rose rooting method, strategies for keeping the deer from devouring his plants, and sharing roses.
Consulting Rosarian Dan Mills has received accolades from other rose societies for his program about Rose Fragrance. Now it is our turn to enjoy this program and “smell the roses.” More information on the April 10 meeting follows.
At our March meeting, Ralph Stream reported that The Village is eager and enthusiastic about hosting a rose show, tentative date November 5. We need commitments now to make a final decision. Although it seems a long way off, we need to reserve the date. Our last rose show at The Village was “over the top.” It is lovely to have the extras, but not necessary for a rose show to be successful.
Congratulations to Ralph for his article in the latest American Rose on Showing Collections at Rose Shows. Exhibiting collections is probably the most challenging part of showing roses. However, anyone from the novice to the experienced exhibitor could find something of interest in the article.
Jean Giesel, President