Sunday, March 14, 2021

President's Message - March 2021

If I only had a crystal ball that works! Your Gainesville Rose Society Board met Sunday, March 7. Our rose show and events chairmen Jean and Ralph Stream have been investigating hosting a Deep South District Convention and Rose Show in October. (You will remember, due to Covid19, the 2020 meeting was cancelled.) At first there was enthusiasm! We need to get together! Rose people are champing at the bit for a district show! We could make some income for our society!

Then reality set in. Because of Covid, the event would probably have to be cut down and attendance limited which would reduce income. However, the proposed contract from our venue imposes stiff penalties for cancelling as far as 6 months in advance. Jean and Ralph will meet with the hotel to see if a workable solution is possible. We would like to break even and certainly don’t want to lose money, but we can’t predict what our rose world will be like in October.

Good news from Treasurer Dan Mills is that we have 51 members on our roster and over half have paid voluntary dues.

More good news: We plan to have our traditional “in person” picnic at 2 p.m. May 14 at the Homemakers Club building in Melrose. Most of our members should have completed their vaccinations by then. Attendees will bring their own picnics and lawn chairs and we will have tables scattered in the yard, weather permitting. See details below.

Normally, we would be having election of officers in April. Due to the unusual circumstances, the Board approved retaining the current officers for another year. See instructions for casting your vote.

The Board also approved the revision of our Bylaws to be presented to the membership. It is posted on our website for your inspection. We will ask for a vote of approval at the May meeting. If you have questions, please call or email a Board member.

How to vote on officer retention: If you agree and vote to retain our current officers, no actions is needed by you. If you oppose or have suggestions, please respond via email. When you receive your newsletter from Jean Stream via email, please reply to her message with your suggestions or disapproval. Those who receive the newsletter by hard copy mail, please give Jean Giesel a call with your disapproval or suggestions. Again, if you approve retaining current officers, no action is needed on your part.

Bylaws update: Please view the final draft on the Gainesville Rose Society website. If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact a board member. Jean Giesel – 352-475-2762,, Missy Burton -352-478-4480- , Dan Mills-352-591-2145 –, Susan Cooperman-561-906-1776-, Lee Kline-352-240-6950 –, Ralph & Jean Stream – 352-591-4474 –, Hard copies are being included with the newsletter for those who don’t use email.

Details for May meeting: Bring your own picnic lunch to the Melrose Homemakers Club building at 2:00 pm, Sunday, May 16. Bring your own chairs. The club will provide drinks, tables and will have plastic utensils available. A simple program is currently being planned. We will eat outside under the trees so it will be easy for us to keep our safe distance and wear our masks when not eating. Please mark your calendar and join the fun. It will be such a treat to see each other again.

Jean Giesel, President

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Site last updated October 7, 2024