Tuesday, January 12, 2021

President's Message - January 2021

Here we are at the beginning of another year, looking forward and backward like the mythical god Janus. So much happened last year and in other ways nothing happened as we stayed home, limited activities, and tried to stay safe. It was at the end of January, 2020, while on a birding trip to Costa Rica, that an epidemiologist friend who is retired from the CDC, remarked on the unusual disease being tracked in far off China. Who would have guessed at that time how it would impact our lives? By, the way, we did spot a few roses in Costa Rica, none of them identified.

Looking back, GRS last met in March where the program was War of Roses presented by Van Sherwood. I hope that we can again meet for fun and fellowship before too many more months have passed. Some of our members earned feathers, or maybe roses, in their caps last year. Dick Howard, Ann Sherwood, and Charles Zeulke won in the national ARS 2019 digital photography contest. Jean Stream’s arrangements appeared in several winning entries. Dick also had a winning entry in the ARS 2020 calendar competition which was quite an accomplishment considering the large number of entries. ARS presented several on-line seminars that were very informative, and more are coming up.

Most recently, Carol Shockley reviewed New Roses for 2021. The Webinar will be available at rose.org very soon. Many of her picks, especially of interest to exhibitors, are available from Jim Mills at K & M Roses and Cool Roses. There are quite a few relatively new hybridizers introducing beautiful roses including Ray Guillebeau of Jacksonville and David Clemons who has spoken at our Deep South District meetings. Keep an eye out on your email for announcements of more ARS webinars.

DSD director, Cindy Dale, announces: An online Consulting Rosarian School is coming up next month and attendance at the individual programs (usually about 1 hr.) will also count toward recertification of existing CRs. CR candidates will need to attend all 4 programs and take the online test. Please take a look at the schedule. If you’re interested in becoming a CR candidate contact our DSD CR Chair, Linda Schuppener, now at linda2742@comcast.net.

ARS is giving the online school on Feb. 6, 13, 20, and 27. The online exam is tentatively scheduled for March 9, available all day. I would like for GRS to be home to more Consulting Rosarians. We need you!

And now, it is almost time to prune and fertilize our roses for better blooms and growth this spring. In spite of the recent frosts, my roses have new growth and some flowers. Hating to cut off new growth makes it difficult for me to do what I know needs to be done, giving me “pruning angst.”

Looking ahead, 2021 would normally be the year to hold elections for new officers for the Gainesville Rose Society. Due to the difficulty of holding an election during the pandemic, your board recommends that the present officers be asked to serve one more year. We are exploring ways to accomplish approval, including meeting by Zoom. We need someone with the expertise to set this up and also to poll any who are unable to meet online. If you have experience hosting on line meetings or would like to try, please email (betty.giesel@gmail.com) or call or text (352 213 7142) me. An on-line meeting could also be used to present a program. The ARS is making available this free service, but someone does need to work with them on it. Please, volunteer and let us get something in the works for February. It will be a fun way for us to get together.

Here’s to a better 2021!

Online Consulting Rosarian Seminars – Gerry Mahoney, ARS CR Co-Chair February 6 – Gerry Mahoney explains the CR mission and John Moe will tell the tale of Soil and Water February 13 – Chris Woods will explain how Fertilizers work February 20 – Dr. Mark Windham will describe insects and diseases and their control February 27 – Dr. Craig Dorschel will complete the CR School with Chemical Safety March 9 – Tentative date for the CR online Examination – Available all day long.

All Attendees must register for these webinars. Details will be provided ahead of time.

Jean Giesel, President

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Site last updated October 7, 2024