Tuesday, June 9, 2020

President's Message - June 2020

Here it is June already, and who would have thought our lives could have become even more impacted by disturbing events during the past month. However, we have our lovely roses to give us some solace and let us forget the world at least for a little while. As we keep hearing, we WILL get through this. The American Rose Society’s May “The Rose and You” is full of beautifully written and photographed articles about Finding Peace in Beauty in these difficult days. You can find it at americanrosesociety@rose.org.

Pictured is a rose new to me, Daybreaker, a floribunda that is reputed to be a prolific bloomer. So far it is performing very well here in Virginia.

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you on September 13 when we are planning to have our postponed picnic at Rose Petals Nursery, providing it is safe to gather by then. There is plenty of room to spread out, both inside and out. October 16-18, the Gainesville Rose Society hosts the Deep South District fall meeting and rose show. If you haven’t yet done it, please let Ralph and Jean Stream know what you will do to help. Besides all the tasks needed for the show, there are many of jobs for the meeting—basket auction, hospitality, registration, table decorations, etc.

From our District Director and Regional Editor for Horizon Roses, Cindy Dale: “ Dear rose exhibitors, I write to solicit a report from you for inclusion in the 2020 edition of Bob Martin’s Horizon Roses. Considering the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the cancellation of all the spring rose shows, this issue is going to be one of the most important issues ever in terms of sustaining interest in rose exhibiting. Consequently, even if you have but a few or even one rose on which to report, your participation is meaningful and will be greatly appreciated.” The message includes a list of exhibition roses to evaluate introduced in the past five years. Rather than number ratings, we are asked to write a short review. If you grow such roses and could write reviews, let me know and I will forward the whole request.

Likewise, DSD photography chairman Paul Columbo, is encouraging all of you to get out your camera or cell phone, take some rose photos, and send them to the Digital contest.

It would help Paul if you start sending in your photos now, rather than at the last minute. If every member sends in a few photos, it will greatly add to the success of the contest. You should have received an email about the contest from Paul via Jean Stream. If you didn’t get it, look for it in the June DSD newsletter (& listed below).

Yours in Roses,
Jean Giesel, President

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Site last updated February 2, 2025