Monday, September 30, 2019

President's Message - October 2019

How delightful to feel a breeze from the north and have cooler and drier air. And our roses should respond with flushes of larger blooms. During the very busy last quarter of the year, take a little time to enjoy your garden. It’s also a good time to evaluate your roses, and then decide what roses might need replacing and what new rose plants you might want to incorporate. And don’t hesitate to ask our Consulting Rosarians for advice about roses: Lee Kline, Dan Mills, and Ralph Stream.

And we have the Deep South District Mid-Winter Meeting to look forward to, January 17-19. There will be an arrangements workshop, great talks, and time to meet old and new friends and much more. Winners of the District digital photo contest will be honored. Deadline for submitting entries is Nov. 1. See the article in the DSD Bulletin for details about the contest, meeting, and other timely topics. And the Mid-Winter Meeting is right in our backyard at the Best Western Gateway Grand.

Thanks to those who have volunteered to represent the Gainesville Rose Society at the Kanapaha Gardens Fall Plant Sale October 12-13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thanks to our volunteers manning the booth all day Saturday and Sunday morning to greet people, invite them to the rose society meetings, and hand out literature. Please drop by our booth to say hello and help out if you have time. There will also be an orchid show at the gardens. Our October GRS meeting is that Sunday afternoon. Please double check your information in the membership list in our handbook. We will have an addendum available soon. Many thanks to Missy Burton for seeing this project through. Great job!

Get some tips on the mechanics of flower arranging for all occasions at our October 13 meeting. Sandy Pardee from Flower Petals Florist in Keystone Heights will be our guest speaker.

Update on GRS T-Shirt Order. Depending on how many shirts we order, short-sleeved shirts will be either $10 or $13 including tax. Long sleeved shirts, $13 or $16. Right now, we need at least 5 more orders for the lower price. At the lower price, the shirts will be screen printed, as for the last order. Otherwise, a decal will be used. These decals are also long lasting and very washable. I would like to finalize the order soon. Please email me if you would like to add to our shirt order or have questions:

Kanapaha Fall Plant Sale
Rose Petals Nursery Booth – GRS Literature
Volunteers helping Art and Cyd and giving out GRS literature

Saturday, October 12
9:00 am to Noon - Jean Giesel, Jean & Ralph Stream
Noon to 2:30 – Kathi Warren and Camilla Schneider
2:30 to 5:00 – Lee Kline

Sunday, October 13
9:00 am to noon – Lee Kline
Afternoon, GRS monthly meeting

If you are not signed up, please feel free to stop by our booth, attend the sales and enjoy the Orchid Show in the Summer House. There is no entrance fee for this event. It will be a fun weekend!

Yours in Roses,
Jean Giesel, President

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If you would like to advertise in our future Rose Show Schedule booklet, please send us a note by clicking here and we will respond with advertising info as it becomes available.

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Site last updated February 2, 2025