Sunday, April 14, 2019

President's Message - April 2019

The Kanapaha Botanical Garden Spring Festival was perfect in every respects of the word; the weather cooperated in fine fashion especially since this was the first weekend in memory that we did not have rain, the air was crisp and dry, and the sun’s rays were pleasant and palatable. We had a great time talking with a multitude of people about the rose and our rose society and Cyd and Art Wade also captivated our audience.

On our infrequent quiet times we reflected on those years when our good friend and fellow rosarian, Bob Spangenberg, would share his special experiences in California and his love for the rose. He was committed to making his contribution to excelling in ‘The Rose Garden‘. He did love the rose and rosarians and we, in turn, loved him. We will miss him!

Since our Rose Show will be held on April 13th we have rescheduled our April meeting the week prior to the show which will be on April 7th. As always, our meeting will be held at the First Christian Church from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. We will have a sign-up sheet for those of you who can and will be available to set up for the show on Friday the 12th. We will need a lot of help so please join us.

Kathy Warren has volunteered to chair our breakfast on the morning of the show. This is a very important part of our rose show especially since our judges as well as our members have gotten up very early and will be looking forward to enjoying this breakfast. As in the past, we are counting on our members to donate goods for the breakfast. If you forgot to or did not sign up to bring something and would like to do so please call Kathy Warren at (352) 475-1383 or you may make your wishes known at our next meeting (April 7th).

And, finally, remember that our annual picnic will be held at Cyd & Art’s, Rose Petal Nursery, on Mother’s Day, May 12th. Bob and I will be providing the chicken and ham and you may sign up for side dishes at our April 7th meeting. Please remember to bring raffle items for our meeting.

Yours in Roses,

Lee Kline, President

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Site last updated October 7, 2024