Monday, February 4, 2019

President's Message - February 2019

My President’s Message this month will center on "What’s Happening." After our January meeting I happened to meet Pastor Nan at the church. After we exchanged niceties I broached the topic of our society having our rose show at the church on April 13th. She explained that since it is the day before Palm Sunday the church will be occupied by the parishioners preparing for the religious holidays and would not be available to us.

So, I resorted to "Plan B." I communicated with Paula Bowlin at the Gainesville Village to see if the Village could accommodate us for this event. She was very enthusiastic about the prospects and after running it by her board she informed me that it is a "go" situation; most fortunately for us. I knew that the Village would be the perfect place for the show because I had chaired two flower shows there that were sponsored by the Gainesville Garden Club.

Jean Giesel, Dan Mills, Willie Mae Burley, Ralph Stream and I checked it out and found it to be very suitable. Problem solved!

Also, Jean Giesel and I met with the teacher at the Westwood Middle School regarding the middle school photography being a part of our rose show. We will have the pictures that are entered judged on tables and the winners placed on display frames that were made by Ralph Stream. This will be a nice addition to our show and I believe that it will be an added attraction for people coming to see our show.

As a reminder, the program for February’s meeting will consist of having four information stations (pruning, photography, planting roses and making arrangements) with our members rotating from one station to another getting information from each attended.

Please remember to bring your raffle items.

Remember, roses are fun so let us enjoy them and let us enjoy each other.

Yours in Roses,

Lee Kline, President

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Site last updated February 2, 2025