Our summer season is over and what a hot and rainy season it was. Jean Geisel and I have been working on the society’s programs for the 2018/2019 rose year. We know that you will enjoy what has been planned.
Ann Sherwood had a guest at our annual picnic who suggested that we approach some middle schools in an attempt to establish a photography program for the students. Also, we received an appeal from the Westwood Middle School (located on NW 34th Street near 16th Ave. in Gainesville) to help rejuvenate a flower garden on the school grounds. Susan Shrum, a science teacher at the school, is also in charge of rejuvenating the garden. It is not a large project, but the Gainesville Garden Club and the Master Gardeners have agreed to partner with us to engage in this little project and, in so doing, make a positive contribution to our community and the students. We will engage in this project and, hopefully, be able to incorporate photography in the project too.
The project will commence on Saturday, September 8th from 8:00 A.M., and will end at 10: A.M. We will plan our garden area. Cyd and Art have agreed to provide some ‘easy to grow’ roses. If you could join us please come to work in the garden with gloves, weeding tools, weed containers, drinks, and energy for two hours (or as much time that you can give us). And, if you are like me, I never go anywhere without my lawn chair.
Our Kanapha Fall Plant Sale is scheduled for October 13-14. Please save the dates. There is no admission fee for this event. I hope that you can join us. There will be vendors from all over Florida.
Again, Cyd and Art have generously consented to give a rose to any who joins our society.
Please don’t forget a raffle item. Phil has consented to run the raffle again this year and we appreciate his willingness to do so. This is always a fun activity!
Yours in Roses,
Lee Kline, President