The Gainesville Rose Society was well represented at the recent District Convention and Rose Show in Tallahassee with six of our members present out of the seventy-five attendees. We had a great time renewing old friendships and meeting new friends. The accommodations and cuisine were very good too and the weather cooperated nicely. A good time was had by all.
The members of our society who had entries in horticulture photography and arrangements were Willie Mae Burley, Jean Giesel, Ann Sherwood, and Jean and Ralph Stream. As of this writing it has not been determined who has received blue ribbons, rosettes or certificates in the respective classes. Art Wade gave a spectacular power point talk on “Roses that have Stood the Test of Time”. The historical background and perspective on the roses was very enlightening and interesting. Everyone enjoyed the talk and visual presentation.
Please save the date of January 19, 2018 for the DSD Mid-Winter Meeting. On Friday, January 19th. from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. There will be a workshop on “Picture Perfect Roses”. In that evening we will meet the President – elect of the ARS, Bob Martin, who will speak on the topic, “If you are not having fun you are doing something wrong “.
Pat Shanley the sitting President of the ARS, will be our after dinner speaker on Saturday evening. It is generally accepted that she has done a great job as president, especially in enhancing the quality of the American Rose Society magazine.
The vendors will be ever present. I would suggest that you place any orders with them now so that you might save shipping costs.
Yours in the Rose Garden
- President, Lee Kline