Tuesday, June 6, 2017

President's Message - June 2017

Wasn’t the picnic fun? It was for me, as always it is fun to get together. Thanks to everyone for your delicious food and for our decorators! Nothing better than good food and fellowship, especially with rosarians!

It was also fun to award the Bronze Medal for 2016 to Lee Kline. I, and I’m sure you too, cannot thank her enough for all the positive things she has brought to GRS. She is truly an amazing lady and we will be blessed with her leadership as President when she is installed on the 11th.

Thank you Lee, Jean Giesel, Bob Kline and Dan Mills for answering the call for leadership this fall.

Speaking of fall, Shirley has agreed to put together our Raffle basket for the Oct. District Convention in Tallahassee. If you have something you would like to add to it and can, please bring it to the June social. These baskets are always fun and the GRS one always draws a lot of attention with plenty of tickets.

I do hope some of you will be able to attend the convention in Tallahassee. Mary Maud is a member of GRS and this will be a nice way to give her our support.

As we look forward to a couple months break, I do hope you all will keep your roses healthy and if you run into any problems, don’t forget that Dan, Lee and Ralph are CR’s and will be happy to chat with you at any time. It will be nice to get together in the fall and compare notes as to what new roses we are growing and what challenges we faced (hopefully no hurricanes). I am still hopeful to find some time to work on learning the website mechanics. If any of you decide you would like to delve into it, let me know and maybe we can learn together.

Jean Giesel will be our new VP and her task will be to provide programs for us. She and Lee have done a little ground work on this but your input is important as well. Drop Jean an email if you see or think of a topic or speaker who might fit the bill. I’m sure we will find time to cover the basics of rose culture too. Always something to learn on this rose growing journey.

It has been such a pleasure for me to lead you these past years and I will continue to handle the newsletter. Here again, if someone would have an interest in helping with this task, that would be wonderful. It is not hard doing it with this template that Jerry designed. We are not locked into it if someone wants to get creative with your own ideas. It is fun to work on. Talk with me if you want to give it a shot.

As we look to our year ahead, let us be thinking how we can give our maximum support to GRS. Let us support the Team, One and All!

Checkout images from our June meeting/Ice Cream Social and Installation of officers:

- President, Jean Stream

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Site last updated January 8, 2025