Monday, September 5, 2016

September's President's Message

Summer has gone so quickly, hopefully all have had a little fun. Our GRS monthly meetings will now take on a new look and feel as we meet at First Christian Church just off 39th Ave, near the Village. In lieu of an article this month, I am using this newsletter as our informational page. Please check out Pages 4 & 5. Our program this month will be on “Pruning, Tools and Questions.” We will have a few bushes to use for practice. I’d like each of you to bring your pruners and let’s see what varieties are being used and maybe they might even get sharpened.

Ralph and I got to the Mini-National in Hershey, had a nice time, came home with tons of pictures, many of them arrangements. After downloading them to my computer and erasing them from the camera guess who sneaked in?? You guessed it, a wonderful virus scam. In the blink of an eye, all my documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and pictures) were corrupted. Even the Geek squad at Best Buy could not save them. Lesson learned for me, back up anything and everything. I am still plugging along trying to recreate and resurrect things from my old computer as I need them. Summer ending found Ralph recovering from knee replacement. He is not quite running yet, but won’t be long.

We did have our planning lunch at Cedar River on July 20th. Eleven of us put our heads together and talked about programs. We will be working towards implementing ideas shared. Some Summer goals were accomplished as Ralph & I re-packed the show supplies in the storage shed for easy access at show time.

The most exciting accomplish was to meet with Dan Webster, the Minister at First Christian about using the church not only for our meetings but for our annual rose show as well. The room is large enough to accommodate our needs and to our surprise there is a nice room perfect for prep. We won’t have to prep outside. Earl will be our contact with the church to help us get in and find our way around.

The other item I planned to work on was the GRS Website. Jerry did prepare and provide me a beautiful tutorial. Needless to say with playing nurse, fighting computer viruses and two weeks away, my skills are still at zero. Hopes are still high though. Please take a minute to look over pages 4 & 5 for reminders (October meeting date change) and items of interest.

Lee and I, as your key leaders, are excited about the new year ahead. It will be a fun year and we hope you plan to come to all of our gatherings. One person missing leaves a big hole. I look forward to seeing each of you on 9-11-16, 2:00 pm at 1st Christian.

Bring your pruners!

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Site last updated June 28, 2024