Tuesday, September 27, 2016

October's President's Message

Our September meeting at First Christian Church went well and seemed to be comfortable for everyone. Changes in life sometimes are a positive thing.

I’m excited about the next several weeks and the fun things that will come our way. For our program on Oct. 2nd I will be sharing a nice video from Mister Landscaper. This company is located in the Lakeland area and they, Sam Thayer, and his team, sell primarily through the internet (misterlandscaper.com). They have a variety of products, some you may already be using. Anyway, it will be fun to see and talk about this important element in our rose growing practices. They have provided a few nice items for give-away. They also have a collection of their products showcased on YouTube. Click here to be taken to their YouTube page.

Here's an example of one of their products (Drip Irrigation System):

Click here for Mister Landscaper's Product Catalog

The DSD Convention in Atlanta is next, Oct. 7-9. A few of us will be going and I’m pleased that we will be taking our GRS gift basket that Lee is currently working on. If you have an item for it, please be sure to bring it to the Oct. 2nd meeting. Dan did send them our contribution and I feel sure they will greatly appreciate this to help with the general convention expenses.

The Kanapaha Fall Plant sale on the 22nd and 23rd will quickly follow. Remember this is a free event and no admission charge will be needed to get in. Thanks to those who will be helping in the booth and please, others of you who can, drop by and just visit and enjoy the day. We will be promoting GRS as well as helping sell Rose Petals plants. Look for Art & Cyd in the “familiar” spot. Always a fun day and a fun time of the year. It is a wonderful time to pick up some new plants, roses from Cyd or others types from the vendors.

We will be scheduling a GRS Yard Sale sometime in November and Lee Wiegand will be helping us set up at her home, so please save your “treasures”. We always make a little money, have fun together and get rid of some of our unneeded stuff.

What should we be thinking about in October regarding our roses? Experience has taught us that fall is sort of the “slow down” time when we can reduce some of our watering, probably apply the last fertilizers, spray as needed and not so much as a preventative. Cooler temps can bring on powdery mildew so we need to be on the lookout for that. One thing for sure October usually brings larger, more vibrant blooms for us to enjoy and share. It is probably the best time to check pH levels in our soil. Healthy soil with the proper pH, is the only way our roses are able to maximize all the good things we feed them. Talk with one of our Consulting Rosarians if you need details how to do your soil test and where to get them done.

Bring your questions for our CRs. Remember sharing and learning from each other is the fun way to hone our skills. I look forward to seeing each of you on 10-2-16, 2:00 pm at 1st Christian.

- Jean Stream, Gainesville Rose Society President

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Site last updated October 7, 2024